Monday, November 21, 2011

Do Re Me

Did you guys watch 'Lost'? Well, Collin and I watched every episode, some of them twice, and I may or may not have cried when I heard 'bad robot' for the last time after the finale. If you watched 'Lost' then maybe you watched the youtube video that summed up the ENTIRE show in like 2 minutes? It was hilarious, super accurate, really fast, and had like 150 episodes worth of information in one tiny, little video. AWESOME. Well, today I give you my really fast, hopefully super accurate, and potentially hilarious 2 minute re-cap of the last month for us.

Here we go:

Our big computer broke so we bought the cheapest replacement possible: the Ipad.

I fail at blogging from the Ipad. Pictures are not in the right order, and it kind of stinks.

Nolan started moving really fast everywhere. Not in a true crawl, more in a forward motion belly-flop.

Collin has been interviewing for internships like crazy.

Nolan and I flew to Arizona 2 times in 2 weeks.

We had Peptobismol-colored soup for Halloween dinner (I was trying to make it orange, fail again) and Nolan was a duck.

We had family fun night at a bowling-ally.

We had to lower the crib so crawly-mccrawlerson doesn't get out.

Nolan sleeps on his side, no matter what, even in the stroller.

A good friend came over and took some photos of Nolan and me and though I've only seen one so far, I am SOOO happy with them. She rocks.

Life is good. We are blessed beyond measure. Nolan is 6-months old today. We'll take him to the doctor next week to see how large he is. He's our favorite person in the whole wide world.

We're excited for Thanksgiving. Daddy gets like 4 days off. Be still my soul!

That's all for now, unless you want to visit for more. If not, then that really is all for now.

Dear Dad and Dub,

You are welcome.

Love, Ash


Alexa Mae said...

Oh sweet mercy, he is so cute! And so big. Six month already? That makes me sad. Loved the pepto soup. At least you're ready for Valentine's day. Love ya ash!

Linda said...

Precious pictures. Love and miss you all!!!

Rylee said...

LOVED the recap its about time! Two things: I can totally hear your voice saying "be still my soul." Also Collin in that newsie cap is the most adorable thing i've seen lately!

Tyrell Berner said...

crawly-mccrawlerson!!!! LOL! You make me smile!

Our little corner said...

your pictures could be in a magazine! So precious!

Sarah said...

Awesome. Nol rocks. Love and miss u guys.

Kylee and Dustin said...

That kid is so stinkin' cute! Can't wait for Christmas. Preparing already.

Markee said...

that baby boy is too die for and getting big way to fast!!!! Thanks for updating, I miss you A LOT!!!