Thursday, September 15, 2011


I had a late night meeting this week. Well, late night for me anyway. The meeting started at 7:30 and didn't end until 9:30, which put me home at 10:00 which was about an hour past my bedtime! But, this was a good break for me. I left the house at 6:30 with Nolan fed, and in bed fast asleep, I kissed Collin goodbye, and I had my first solo city experience. This made my momma very nervous, but I was looking forward to it. :) I took my time getting to the bus, and then walking to my meeting. I took this on my phone while I walked...

I love this city. It was a nice break to be outside and have a walk by myself to think and relax. The weather was perfect, and it felt good. Getting home felt good too though. And why wouldn't it, when this little guy is what I get to see when I come through the door!
I'm very happy with my life right now, and that's a good feeling!


Kylee and Dustin said...

That picture is rad!!! And Nolan's adorable too! love his smile :)

Markee said...

That city is amazing!!! But you are way braver than me, I wouldn't go anywhere by myself at night! lol some things never change! Love N's sweet smile!!!