Friday, August 19, 2011

Things I know This Month That I Didn't Know 3 Months Ago

1. Poopy diapers more than 3 days old smell like moth balls (admit it, this could be worse)

2. Going down stairs with a stroller, a baby, and a purse is much easier than going up stairs with a stroller, a baby, and a purse, and groceries.

3. You can indeed learn to tune out crying.

4. An uninterrupted nights sleep followed by a 5:30 a.m. wake up is 100% better than waking up 3+ times a night followed by a 7:00 or 8:00 wake up.

5. Sometimes all you need is a Jello cup. The Beatles lied. (This mostly applied to Collin. He loves him some Jello.)

Being a mom totally rocks. And it's educational.

Also, I'll be doing a hair tutorial later in the week on how to achieve bangs like those in the picture above.


RoeH said...

Way too cute!

Michelle said...

I had to read the jello comment three times because in my {granted sleep deprived} state I thought you were feeding jello to the baby. HA! Then I was calculating out in my head that is is NOT old enough to be eating jello since he's just a bit older than Tate before I realized um it is Collin you're talking about.

And I should obviously be getting more sleep before catching up on my Reader.

Markee said...

can't wait for that tutorial!

Tami said...

Wow has it been three months?! I was all excited you were doing a tutorial, I had to scroll back up and see the picture... and umm i'm still excited :) haha. Love ya Ash!

Tunes & Spoons said...

I can't wait to be a mommy!!! I love your new blog!!! Also, Nolan is beautiful!