Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tidbits of Home

Last night after Noly was in bed, I was cleaning up before I hit the sack and I realized that we have some funny things in our home.


This is our bathroom. With an orange Home Depot bucket containing sugar, right in the middle of the bathroom. Why? Because that bathroom mirror is the only mirror in the house, and I have to stand on the bucket to get a view of my whole self. Awesome.
Yesterday we were looking for the baby Tylenol (Nol may or may not be cutting a tooth. In this case 'may or may not' isn't implying that he really is cutting a tooth. We really don't know. He actually may, or may not, be cutting a tooth) and I assured Collin is was in one of my two purses. Before I knew it, this was on the ground.
Our stroller folds up quite nicely, but we use it too much to always be folding it up. It has just become a part of our room decor.
I was realizing the other day that I really am such a floor-worker. We have places to sit in our house, I just generally prefer the ground.
Back to the bathroom. I'd say our back-of-the-toilet-reading-material sums us up pretty well. Dwell Magazine and The Book of Mormon. That's us. :)
Lately I've been playing the piano more than usual, and I hadn't really realized it but I've been playing Morning Prayer most every time I sit down at the piano. I'm sure Coll and Nolan have it memorized and are sick of it. But a few years ago I needed to pick a piece for a piano midterm at ASU and so the next time I was in Eagar I was going through my mom's music and stumbled upon this piece. It was my grandma's. I love playing it because it makes me feel close to home and close to Grandma. (I'll give it back Mom, I promise!)
And lastly, this guy is what really makes our home a happy place. We have some pretty funky quirks and some messy spots here and there, but he ties it all together and makes life wonderful. And he's got a sick-nasty Blue Steel!


Tassi Smith said...

I am loving the frequent updates. You guys are too fun. I have white food storage buckets stacked up in my kitchen. I am trying to figure out how to hide them.

Rylee said...

love this blog ash! and can i just say that collin is precious! seriously you got a good one ash.

Kylee and Dustin said...

Nothing like a screaming baby to get you to dump all of the contents of a purse on the ground. When we lived in LA I used the stroller as my transportation too. Eventually we bought an Ikea table made it the exact height of the top of the stroller and "parked" the stroller under there. Gave us extra table space :)

Markee said...

I love you guys! Can I come live with you?:) the picture of all your stuff on the ground just makes me die laughing because some things iwill never change!! Please don't change! I lve you!!